Friday, January 24, 2020

Politicking Goes High-tech :: essays research papers

Politicking Goes High-Tech This reading dealt with the fact that the major decision makers for people when voting (especially for Senators) are the television spots. The article discussed how today's campaigns are now candidate-centered rather than political party-centered and how they require large sums of money in order to pay for all the advertising, and a team of professional workers rather than a team of volunteers is a necessity. Much of the money goes to commercial advertisements, but another large portion goes to continuous polling and direct mail strategies. The article talked about the need to have the speed and technology to know how the people feel right away. A candidate cannot wait weeks or even days for the results to come back to him or her whether he or she is in the lead. The results are needed within hours. After getting the results from the polls, it is then time to determine what action needs to be taken to aid your campaign (or more often hurt your opponent). The candidate then needs to create new television ads to make himself or herself appeal to the interests of the people or sometimes to counteract the bad things the opponent has to say. This fight between the television ads is often referred to as Spot Wars. While the Spot Wars help out the candidates (or harm the opponents with derogatory remarks), they can cost an enormous amount of money; and after being played on television the opponent will return the attack with one of his or her ads—then, the candidate will have to go back to work all over again creating new ads regarding the new polls—all of which costs more money. A major portion of the money for candidates to use comes from PACs. These PACs make up  ¼ off all contributions to Senate campaigns, while some of the other money comes from fund raisers and cost-per-plate dinners. Before the candidate begins to play the ads on television he/she needs to determine what the campaign focus is going to be. Focus groups are small groups of voters who gather with the candidate to give an idea of perhaps what the people are looking for. Then the candidate has to decide when to run the ads. Determining that can be more difficult: if you have the money it is probably best to start early and hope your opponent runs out of money trying to counteract your ads—"One candidate puts on a message, and the other has to decide how to respond." After you run the ads you have to poll the people, of

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Evaluate the Methods Used by the Psychodynamic Approach

Charlotte King Orion 12 Psychology EXAM QUESTIONS Evaluate methods used by the psychodynamic approach. One of the methods used by the psychodynamic approach is case studies. Case studies are used to practice their therapy on to see if it actually works. The therapy created by Sigmund Freud, is called psychoanalysis. An example of one of the case studies would be the case study of Little Hans. Hans was at the age where he noticed he had a penis and therefore played with it a lot. His mother noticed this and told him to stop it otherwise she would call the doctor and get him to cut it off.Hans later on developed a phobia of horses, so his father got in touch with Freud and told him about Hans’ strange behaviour and he suggested that he was scared of horses because of the large penis. Later on, Freud and Hans’ father discovered that he had a phobia of horses because he saw his father as a rival and he apparently had a large penis. He saw his father as a rival because he ac quired the Oedipus complex which meant that he had a sexual desire for his mother and therefore wanted to get rid of the father.Freud interpreted that the horses in the phobia were symbolic of the father, and that Hans feared that the horse (father) would bite (castrate) him as punishment for the incestuous desires towards his mother. With Hans feeling threatened by his dad, Freud thinks that he comes up with a defence mechanism known as ‘identification with the aggressor'. This is where Hans would bond with his father by adopting his mannerisms and actions, this way; he will not feel hostile towards him. Weeks after, Hans’ phobia improved and at the end of the phobia he had two fantasies. One of them being that his father was the granddad not the dad.And the other about his bottom and penis being removes then being replaces with larger ones. After recovering from the phobia, Hans’ father reassured Hans that he had no intention of cutting his penis off. One weakn ess of the case study method is that it cannot set precedent for all cases with similar patients. For example, psychoanalysis might work on Hans but it might not work on someone else who has a phobia of horses. However, case studies over history of psychology have been able to provide clinicians with valuable information about different psychological illnesses.Meaning, a particular study can be used as a means of insight into life with the illness. Another downside to the case study method is the completely open and uncontrolled environment in which it takes place. This eliminates its usefulness as an indicator of cause and effect since the variables in the study are uncontrolled. This makes it too difficult or presumptuous to state that one value correlates in any way to another. Instead, a clinician can develop a hypothesis on this relationship and use another research method to determine support for, or refutation for, their hypothesis.This is why it was mentioned earlier that ca se studies can lay down the foundations for further psychological research. Another method is the use dream analysis. This is where dreams are looked into more depth to figure out their true meaning. Freud considered dreams to be the ‘royal road to the unconscious' as it is in dreams that the ego's defences are lowered so that some of the repressed material comes through to awareness. Freud distinguished between the  manifest content of a dream  (what the dreamer remembers) and the  latent content,  the symbolic meaning of the dream  (i. e. the underlying wish).The manifest content is often based on the events of the day. The process the underlying wish is translated into the manifest content is called dream-work. The purpose of dream work is to transform the forbidden wish into a non-threatening form, reducing anxiety and allowing us to continuing sleeping. Dream work involves the process of displacement, condensation and secondary elaboration. Displacement  takes place when we transform the person or object we are really concerned about to someone else. Condensation  takes place when we combine different factors into one aspect of the manifest content.Secondary elaboration  occurs when the unconscious mind strings together wish-fulfilling images in a logical order of events, further obscuring the latent content. According to Freud this is why the manifest content of dreams can be in the form of believable events. On 24 July 1895, Freud had his own dream that was to form the basis of his theory. He had been worried about a patient, Irma, who was not doing as well in treatment as he had hoped. Freud in blamed himself for this, and was feeling guilty. Freud dreamed that he met Irma at a party and examined her.He then saw a chemical formula for a drug that another doctor had given Irma flash before his eyes and realised that her condition was caused by a dirty syringe used by the other doctor. Freud was no longer guilty. Freud interpreted t his dream as  wish-fulfilment. He had wished that Irma's poor condition was not his fault and the dream had fulfilled this wish by informing him that another doctor was at fault. Based on this dream, Freud went on to propose that a major function of dreams was the fulfilment of wishes. Another method used in psychoanalysis is free association.Free Association or the Talking Cure is based on the psychodynamic model of abnormality. Psychotherapy places great significance on childhood experiences, such as the psychosexual stages, and on repressed impulses and unresolved conflicts in the unconscious. The aim of psychotherapy is to bring repressed material into conscious awareness – ‘to make the unconscious, conscious’. During therapy sessions the patient is encouraged to relax on a couch and talk about whatever comes into his mind. The therapist listens and offers no judgement about anything the patient says.It is hoped the patient will relax his internal censor an d released repressed material from the unconscious. The therapist then helps the patient interpret the material and gain insight into the origins of the conflict. During the therapy the patient may also transfer his unconscious feelings and emotions onto the therapist. Psychotherapists help the patient deal with their recovered memories that came from the unconscious. Patients go through a cathartic experience called abreaction. Someone who experiences this will be cured of the disorder.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Of Witchcraft In Young Goodman Brown And Washington...

In Nathaniel Hawthorn’s Young Goodman Brown and Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle share a common ground of witchcraft and a man vs man inner conflict of the unknown. We witness our two protagonist Goodman Brown and Rip endure life or death situations and what they conquer throughout their self-entitlement. Firstly, we see the journey of young, newly wedded Goodman Brown, and his wife Faith. A Puritan believed couple, who’s in the mindset of being set for life all because of Faith being an Elite, thus leading to Goodman Brown going into the woods and fighting evil to be recognized as one of the Elites as well (1). He is convinced to leave Faith alone for the night as his attempt was to be with her even after death do them apart, yet she†¦show more content†¦He quickly scurried back to the streets of Salem (9), there he sees the townspeople in their natural environment. Praying, practicing their faith, even dictating catechism to the younglings, but Goodman Brown was convinced that what he saw was not a dream. When he emerges home his wife greets him with joy after his late-night adventure, yet after what he saw, he simply walked away and gave her the cold shoulder. In theory, Goodman Brown is affected and convinced that the late-night ritual did happen and pushes everyone around him away and dies a lonely, bitter old man. In comparison to Rip Van Winkle, who is a very well-liked man in his community (3), but faces the usual marriage conflict of his wife constantly nagging and him looking for a way to escape (4). He travels first with his dog Wolf to the inn, where he goes to listen to Nicholas Vedder and his group discus the political distress they feel (4). Not soon after his wife would call and explicitly demand her husband go back home immediately. Instead Rip unconsciously dragged himself to the highest point of the Kaatskill mountains, where he perused his favorite sport of squirrel shooting (5). After a long nap, he sees a short, square built old fellow, who asked for his help in lifting the heavy keg towards the top of the mountain on a long and rocky road until they see a hollow, amphitheater. Once inside an odd-looking bunch of